Whether to snoop through your partner’s phone or not to snoop through your partner’s phone is the eternal question. In most circumstances, I would say that as long as there is trust in the relationship, there should be no need for snooping. That said, emergencies can happen, and you may need to be able to access their content. For this reason, I will teach you what to look for when snooping through a phone.
When Is It Appropriate to Go Through Your Partner’s Phone?
While some may argue that snooping through someone’s phone raises ethical concerns, there are certain cases when it is considered OK. This includes the following:
- There’s Mutual Transparency
There may be relationships where you both install a tracking app on your phones to prove you have nothing to hide from each other. Or perhaps they install it on their phone for you to track, in case you want to see their location and meet up. Regardless, as long as they know you installed the app, it’s OK to learn how to go through someone’s phone.
- You Have Valid Suspicions
Have you noticed some huge red flags in your partner’s behavior? Perhaps he’s spending late nights with his “friends” too often, or you caught him lying too many times about where he was. In that case, snooping through their phone is not such a bad idea, as it can clear the fog for you if they are not honest.
- You Are Concerned About Their Safety
Sometimes, you may want to snoop through your boyfriend’s phone for their protection. For instance, Gen Z has shown to be susceptible to online scamming, with 2020 bringing a loss of around $210 million for them. If your boyfriend is the kind of person who would easily be “duped” by an online opportunity, then keeping an eye on him through a spy app is not the worst of ideas.
When Going Through Someone’s Phone Is NOT OK
There are several circumstances in which snooping through someone’s phone is unacceptable. This includes:
- They Didn’t Consent
Going through someone’s phone is no longer a fun idea when you think of someone doing the same to you, right? Especially when it’s done without your consent. When you snoop through someone’s phone without their permission, you risk damaging a relationship that is potentially already on shaky grounds. For this reason, you need to have their permission before installing an app that aims to snoop on them.
- You Don’t Have Grounds for Suspicion
If you have no reason to believe they are cheating or engaging in suspicious activity, there’s no reason for you to learn how to go through someone’s phone. I’ve seen many couples drive their relationships into the ground simply because they were jealous and started snooping for no reason.
What to Look for When Snooping Through a Phone
If you are wondering what to look for when going through boyfriend’s phone, we have that cleared for you. Check his phone (or use the spy app) to see the following things:
- Check His Location
His location is one of the first things you should consider when you learn how to snoop through your boyfriend’s phone. The location history is what matters to you most, and this should tell you whether or not they’ve been lying. For instance, if you notice any odd entries on the app that weren’t supposed to be there, you can have a conversation and find out if they’ve been truthful.
- Look for Strange Browser History
Are there any strange searches they perform online, such as hotels or searches on hiding cheating? Perhaps they do it in incognito mode, fearful that someone might see what he is looking for. A good spy app should let you snoop through that, informing you of potentially alarming searches.
- Check Messages and Recent Calls
Next, you should check their messages and recent conversations. For instance, women prefer texting, and men usually go for talking, but you should definitely consider both options. See if they have been talking inappropriately with anyone.
- Hidden and/or Darting Apps
When they want to keep something private, people tend to create hidden folders or name it differently. These hidden folders can have messages, photos, and other pieces they do not want you to see. For instance, they may use these folders to conceal dating apps, even if they are technically dating you.
- Social Media Accounts
When deciding what to check on his phone, you should verify whether he has multiple social media accounts. He may just as well have two accounts, blocking you on the hidden one so he can continue his extracurricular activities. If you find that he uses multiple accounts, take a peek at what he uses it for (maybe he uses it for extra points on a random Facebook game he’s playing).
- Deleted Media
When something gets deleted, whether it’s texts or pictures, it’s because they fear they may slip and you’ll accidentally see them. Luckily, snooping apps let you recover even deleted media, so be sure to look at them.
- Unusual Contacts
If they have unusual contacts that they frequently call, you should also make a note of them. For instance, it may be a woman you don’t know or a “man” they spend a suspicious amount of time talking to. Write them down and find out who those contacts are.
- Changed Passwords
Very often, the more layers of security someone adds to their devices and accounts, the higher the chances they are hiding something. Check if they had frequent password changes, especially to accounts you could have received access to.
- Unexplained Purchases
Unexplained purchases on your boyfriend’s banking feed can also raise concerns. For instance, they may use the money or some side piece, subscribe to an adult platform, or buy something off the dark web. To avoid financial issues, you should know what he is spending money on, especially if you are married.
- Hidden Photos or Videos
Apps are not the only thing your boyfriend or girlfriend can try to hide from you. Perhaps he also has a folder full of pictures he doesn’t want you to see. When making a list of what to look for when going through boyfriend’s phone, you should target the hidden “crawl spaces” of his phone.
What to Do If You Catch Your Boyfriend Cheating
Finding out that your boyfriend is cheating can be devastating. When you learn how to look through a phone, you wish you were wrong to believe that. However, if you do have proof that they cheated, you may want to take a few moments for yourself. Breathe or scream if that makes you feel better. What’s important is that you should calm down before you confront him.
If it turns out he was cheating, it’s a good idea to get tested and form a contingency plan if you’re in the clear. Capture screenshots of his infidelity, especially if you live in an at-fault state. If you decide to go your separate ways, such proof could turn a possible divorce in your favor.
The Bottom Line
Snooping through your partner’s phone is not something you want to do, but it can be a necessary evil. Having said that, if you do snoop, then you should look at the right things. This way, you can find out whether they are hiding secrets from you.
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